

                            PROFILE This portfolio belongs to Junella Kyle G. Cullado, a student from BSEd program, major in English. This portfolio is made for her final project in Assessment of Learning 2. Her instructor is Mr. Mark P. Castillo, a top-notcher from TSU, BEEd program.                                                                                         EXPECTATIONS The numbers that I wrote in the upper left was my grade in my Assessment 1. On the other hand, the numbers that I wrote in the bottom right is my expected grade here in Assessment 2. Hihi!                                                     PRE-TEST This was the pre-test in Assessment 2. This is to test whether we acquired enough knowledge in our Assessment 1. Unfortunately, I lacked two points to pass it. But that's okay, though.                                                                PAGEANT               (Basic Concepts of Assessment)

To Know Love, You Must Know Heartbreak

Being in love is arguably the greatest thing that can happen to someone; there is nothing better than finding someone who completes you. When you meet this person, you won't remember how you ever lived without him or her. Being in love, you transform into someone new. You trust this person more than any person in your life. That's why you offer something so valuable: your heart. You trust this person with every secret. With tears in your eyes, you share dark secrets from your past that still haunt you, and your partner accepts you, regardless. But, to fully experience all that love entails requires you to see the other end of the spectrum. You will never appreciate love as much as those who have full experienced it, and you will never believe in its power until your world turns completely upside down with two words: "It's over." When you get your heart broken, no amount of alcohol or talking about it, or anything else can make you feel better. To love i

Please, let me...

I can't take  the thought of not seeing you again. If you're not for me, at least let me admire you from a distance. Even if my love can't reach you, I still want to see your smile, your eyes, your existence... Please, let me.

Ask Yourself First Before You Battle With Love

“Don't rush into any kind of relationship. Work on yourself. Feel yourself, experience yourself  and love yourself. Do this first and you will soon attract that special loving other.”  ~Russ Von Hoelscher Since Valentine's Day is fast approaching, let us talk about love. This is not a simple cheesy blog about love stories like those of in Wattpads (though I'm not against of Wattpad love stories) but somehow lessons or maybe pieces of advice that I may share with you.  Loving someone and being loved back are one of the best things that you may encounter in this world. It is probably awesome. Fantastic, yes. However, we should always remind ourselves that the context of love is not like a game in ones mobiles wherein by just merely opening the "play" button you can have it all the way you want.  Rather than jumping into yet another kind of love where you had experienced sorrow or bitterness, let me share to you what I realized (in the middle of my bo

Not Perfect, And It's Perfectly Okay

“Perfectionism doesn’t make you feel perfect. It makes you feel inadequate.” ~Maria Shriver Like many of us, I spent a big part of growing up feeling like I wasn’t enough . You see, despite having lots of interests and passions in my life, and being pretty motivated and focused for most of the time, there always came a point when I stopped enjoying what I was doing. The lightness and joy of creativity got overpowered by struggle and  perfectionism . Comparing ourselves to other people makes us fearful of being who we really are. But when we aren’t us, who are we? Who are we looking for when we try and be anything other than who we really are? There is only ever going to be one you. Ever. There is only one you that has ever existed in this entire universe. Right now you are absolutely perfect at being you. No one can think like you, create like you, love like you. That thing you do that you keep hidden? That’s perfectly you. That weird sneeze that you do that makes

How to Make People Love You When You're Not Around: Be A ROSE

We all want to be appreciated and be loved by everyone, yes? A couple of years ago, I met a woman named Theresa. We saw each other at a beach somewhere in Pangasinan and found out that we both lived in the same barangay. Little did we both know that we already shared the mutual feelings of friendship to each other. Theresa is talented. Imagine being able to paint, to sing with a guitar in her hands and to be a freelance photographer in such occasions at times. Sure we teased each other back and forth, as friendships tend to do, but I’ll guarantee this about Theresa, she is one of the honest and genuine people I know. Well, for one, Theresa is the kind of person where you can trust, really. Also, she is the kind of person who offers help to anyone no matter what the case or situation is and she is always there whenever you need someone to talk to. The reason why I bring up Theresa to my blog is that I want her to have a HUGE success! Yes, she really deserves it.